Showing posts with label Family and Home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family and Home. Show all posts


The importance of quality family time is not something that should ever be overlooked. The time you spend together, especially in the early years, will pay off immensely during those teenage and even college years. Kids remember these times, and while the firmness of the family bond may become a tad loosened during those teenage years, a great childhood will always get your kids to come back. So, in order to create a solid foundation and fortify the relationship between both kids and kids and parents, finding the time for them is crucial. There are numerous ‘easy’ ways to bond – sharing a meal together, talking about your day, and these practices should be an integral part of your family routine. Still, there are even more fun ways to spend great family time and create memories that will last a lifetime.


What do the following things have in common?

  • The indoor air quality in your home
  • Household mold issues
  • Asthma and allergies
  • The way that your house smells
  • The longevity of interior decor elements such as paint and wallpaper
  • Your level of comfort in your home

On first glance, you're likely thinking that there is no possible way one single thing could influence all of the above areas - but there is one, singular aspect of your home that is capable of influencing all of the above, and many more besides: humidity.


Of all the things that can go wrong with a home, the leaky pipe is perhaps the most frustrating and aside from the wasted water, a leak can actually cause damage. One thing you can count on is that the leak will grow over time, therefore, the sooner you have it fixed, the better. The first task is to actually locate the leaking section of pipe and this can be very difficult. One could always call in the local plumber, but if you fancy tackling the problem yourself, here are a few ways that you can deal with a leaking water pipe.


Furnishing your home with the correct fire protection devices can enable you to increase valuable seconds in a fire emergency. Make sure your home incorporates the following protection devices with the help of professional electricians like Gordon Powers, emergency electricians that you and your family know how to utilize them. What to Include in Your Home Fire protection Kit:


When you start a family with someone or make the decision to walk down the aisle, you will be hoping for the best. It is unlikely that people go into such lifelong commitments without hoping for a level of longevity. However, sometimes life happens and relationships break down for a number of reasons. But it can be an even more difficult situation to deal with when kids are involved. You should know that it is possible to separate peacefully and ensure minimal damage to your kid’s wellbeing. This article is going to suggest a few ways that you can help your kids through a separation.


When you have a family, they quickly become the most important aspect of your life. Whether it is big or small, loud or quiet, they will hold a special place in your heart for as long as you live. This means you will want to spend as much quality time with them as possible, but this can be tricky when you have some work commitments and other activities getting in the way. If you can, it’s wise to make some time each day to enjoy some fun activities with the ones you love. Finding the best ones can be difficult when there are so many to choose from, but there are a select few which will help you create some wonderful memories together.


The key to creating a comfortable home environment lies in appealing to all of your senses. The aromas and scents that spread through your home can have a major impact on its general atmosphere. If your home is filled with unpleasant, stuffy, mouldy smells, you can feel uncomfortable, moody and even a bit anxious. On the other hand, letting pleasant aromas permeate your haven will not only make it more appealing, but you’ll actually feel more at peace.


While moving to a new home tends to be very stressful, there are a few things that you can do to help decrease the stress and make sure that your move happens successfully. It doesn’t matter how many times you have moved, you are still likely to feel anxious, wondering if anything will get broken, how you will get all of the work done, and if you forgot to pack anything. Following these tips will ensure that the days leading up to your move, as well as the actual day of your move, are as stress-free as possible.


Creating a more usable family kitchen is a must if you want everybody in your family to enjoy the space. By putting together a kitchen you can all enjoy and make use of, you’ll have a happier atmosphere and family.

There’s nothing to say that your children shouldn’t be able to use the kitchen alongside you! Here are 6 ways you can create a more usable family kitchen.


It took you months, maybe even years, to save up for the down payment on a new house. You spend weeks searching your local area for suitable houses that were for sale and viewed a countless number of properties. Eventually, though, you spotted the right property for you and placed an offer in with the estate agent. After a tense few hours, the estate agents called you back with the news... the seller has accepted your offer! Congratulations, you are well on the way to purchasing your very first property!

The whole process of buying a new home can be very stressful indeed. However, once you have exchanged and signed the contracts and got the keys to your new home, there is still some important work that needs to be done. After all, you will now need to spend plenty of time turning your new house into your perfect home. But it’s not all about decorating the property and getting its interiors just how you want them. You will also need to do a few practical things, such as sorting your utilities and learning where all the meters are.

So, ready to roll up your sleeves and do the final pieces of prep before you sit down, put your feet up, and relax in your new home? Here are all the things you need to do.


The one thing that is extremely hard to resist when you own your own home is going in with both barrels to redo the whole thing and make it look as beautiful as possible. New paint work, new lighting, new furniture, the whole lot can be torn down and redone. The thing is, it’s not an option for most people. Budgets are often limited, and a full home makeover takes a lot more time and cash than you could expect. The good news is that you can still do beautiful things with your home even if you can’t afford to gut the place and start from scratch.

Brass Door Handle
The thing to do when you can’t rip it down and start again is to go right ahead and book yourself some small changes. Maybe one month, you change the colour of the walls. Maybe the next, you scour for the best flooring for your home. Perhaps you want to go even smaller, and replace the light socket covers or change the fixtures and lampshades. The good thing about these smaller changes is that they have a large impact and aren’t a huge strain on the budget. So, what four things can you do in your home that will make a large impact on the way that you perceive your home?


Being inspired by Asian culture is easier than most people think – this process is quite natural and happens in a matter of days, especially after spending some time on this beautiful continent. And the best way to show how inspired you are is by decorating your home in accordance with the Asian tradition. This home-decorating philosophy is soothing, practical and visually attractive, so it’s no surprise that more and more people incorporate Asian motifs, decorations, furniture, textures, materials and color combinations into their home. If you wish to try this as well, but don’t know how here are five home décor tips that might help you make your home more Asian than ever.
Our homes are wonderful. They keep us safe and secure while also providing a place to raise our families, to unwind after a stressful day, and to be our most honest selves. If you live in a property for a number of years though, you might feel a little tired with it. This is because a relatively unchanging environment can feel a little stale. When you begin to feel like this, it might not be the house that’s the problem. Often, it can be a simple matter of refreshing how it’s decorated.

Refreshing your house can be a worthwhile pursuit. It will help you feel more comfortable in the space as if the cobwebs have been brushed out, and that the home is renewed and vibrant. This is a tangible feeling, as our environment speaks to us in many subconscious ways at once.

Beginning to make changes is easy, and might only take around a week of a duty-filled organization if that. But where do you get started? Let us answer that question:


Everyone wants to eventually own their home. Sure, renting may be fine while you’re younger and don’t have a set life plan or life path. You want the flexibility of being able to up and move regularly rather than being tied into extended contracts. However, as time goes on and you begin to settle down, you’ll soon begin to notice the negatives that come hand in hand with renting. First of all, you’ll grow tired of paying someone else’s mortgage for them. When you rent, you’re literally paying someone else’s mortgage on their behalf. Though you live in the property, they own it and will have the full rights over it at all times. You are also likely to grow weary of being in a relatively vulnerable position - your landlord doesn’t have to renew your contract when it comes to an end. They could decide to move into the property themselves or to lease it out to someone else. This would leave you looking for somewhere new to live, despite having made ties with the place you’ve spent so long in! Finally, you’ll realize that any improvements you make have to be approved and only really benefit the house’s actual owner in the long run. In short, you want a home to be completely your own. This gives you the security of knowing you can truly settle down in the space and do what you want with it. Now, buying your own property involves a variety of different financial processes. Here are a few you’re likely to encounter at some point during your journey!

The Nature of the Pest

Bugs, insects, and spiders are absolutely everywhere in the billions and it is said that wherever you go, you are always less than 2 metres away from a spider. While the majority of spiders are completely harmless, someone suffering from arachnophobia is going to be very unhappy to be sharing a house with them.

Eradicating pests permanently has always proved notoriously difficult. Bugs are part of a natural ecosystem and many of them such as bees perform essential tasks in pollinating out fruits, vegetables and flowers, though they do not make good housemates. Aside from the damage they can cause to your home, as termites alone cause five billion dollars in damages each year just in the USA, they can also spread diseases, so they need to be either eradicated or persuaded to move somewhere else.


When making your house a home, some of the first things you look to our furniture, accents and the colors on the walls. However, there’s one design element that is often overlooked: lighting. The lighting in your home plays a major role in not only your home’s overall ambiance but its function. Here are a few ways to flip the switch on your current lighting situation. 


Our homes are supposed to be our castles, our refuges from the worries and threats of the world, and the places where we are most able just to kick back and unwind in peace.

Unfortunately, some of the concerns in our day-to-day lives can follow us home and disrupt our calm, quiet, and even our health as a result. Mortgage loans, pending work deadlines, and issues with domestic appliances can all be cause for concern and may require us to take decisive action.

But the issue of toxins found in the home is another story. Perhaps you hadn’t even heard that your home is likely to be filled with numerous toxins, from gases emitted by your appliances, to stale air and harmful mold spores, to food contaminated by plastic containers?

Alas, it’s true, but never fear. Here are some effective steps you can take today to begin detoxifying your home.


Building a better home is an endless challenge, and your list of potential projects is probably as long as your arm. Therefore, choosing the right one for your next upgrade is arguably the toughest challenge of all.   
Thankfully, using the five simple questions below for guidance should give you the very best chance of making the right decision. What are you waiting for? Let’s get to work.

hand wood construction paint paint brush material painting product home improvement art renovation man made object
Photo by Russ Hendricks

Throughout your lifetime, you spend a long time in your bedroom, therefore all your décor should be carefully picked out, from your bed sheets to your plants. Data by NASA and the American College has found which houseplants are best sui­ted to join you in your room of rest.

Why should you enhance your bedroom with houseplants?

It’s important to understand the ways in which you can improve your bespoke bedroom’s feng shui — and indeed the rest of your home — with some simple houseplants.

When speaking to The Telegraph, interior landscaper and gold-medal winner at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show, Ian Drummond, stated that the average houseplant can be very practical. He explains: “Many people now live in cities with no outside space. We all have this longing to have some green around us, and houseplants are the perfect solution.”

Houseplants can also work as a cheap air freshener for your home thanks to their pleasant aromas. Studies have shown that houseplants have been found to help with concentration, promote better sleep and reduce anxiety among people who live around them on a day-to-day basis too. The Plantsman, when reporting on a 2016 piece which was published in the RHS’s journal, underlined: “As placing indoor plants in rooms is one of the simplest changes that can be made to enhance the environment, it stands out as a practical and affordable support for health.”


It’s that time again, parents! Summer will be here before you know it and the kids will be pestering you no end about where you will be taking the much-anticipated family vacation this year. As if it wasn’t bad enough when they were little, and anything from a petting zoo to the playroom at McDonald’s thrilled them, now they are teenagers and apparently nothing is fun anymore. This year, why not give them the vacation of a lifetime because there are new and exciting things to do that will keep your kids bragging throughout the next year – at least until Christmas, perhaps!