Showing posts with label Reviews and Others. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reviews and Others. Show all posts


Photography is an artistic passion that many people hold. Most of us take photos often of various things in our lives. However, there are some individuals who take a more artistic approach to photography. These people often want to try and make money from their talent, even though it can be hard. If you are one of those people, you may be wondering where you can start. It's not easy to make money from any art, especially photography. However, it is possible if you're willing to try. If you want to be a photographer with a steady income, you should have a look at some of the options below.


Our homes are so important to us. They’re a place we can relax and recharge ready for whatever life brings, and allow us to feel comfortable and safe. And so to keep them well protected, home security should be an issue that every family considers carefully. Along with the devastation of having possessions that you have worked so hard for stolen, burglaries are also a massive invasion of privacy and can leave lasting panic and anxiety in its wake.

CCTV, sturdy locks and a burglar alarm are the most important defenses against thieves. To find the products that are best for you, you could research how to choose a home security system. However, there are a couple of other things you can do too which will make your property much less appealing to burglars. Check out these clever tricks

Use an Automatic Curtain Rail
One of the things thieves will look for when scoping out a house to burgle is whether it looks like anyone is home. While many are opportunistic and will simply hop through an open window if it seems like no-one is in, others will spend time checking out the property first. If you’re not home, and your curtains are left either open or closed that will be a big clue for them. Timed curtain rails are one solution to this problem. They can be either set on a timer or automatically open or close depending on the light levels.

Image found on


The holidays will be here soon, and families everywhere will be getting together to enjoy some festive cheer. Everyone hopes to be jolly and enjoy these few days off work together. But sadly, at this time of year, there is a rise in accidents involving children. It can happen so easily and so quickly. The last thing you want is to spend your Christmas in the hospital. So here are a few tips to help you avoid accidents in the home this festive period:

The Tree
Lots of homes have a tree up. Many of us enjoy the scent of a real Christmas tree in the living room. However, most real trees do shed, and those needles are sharp! If you’ve got a little one crawling about, consider how you’re going to keep her from picking them up or chewing on them. Raising it up and sitting it in a tray is one solution, but if your little one can stand, chances are they may be able to knock it over. You might prefer an artificial one, or using a fireguard around it while the baby is playing in the room.

Image via Pathfinder at PixaBay

There comes the point where we have to acknowledge that we need outside help. It can be in the middle of a DIY renovation or because there has been some mishap, but the result is the same. You have got a problem, and it's outside of your ability to fix it.


Image from: Pixabay

Worrying about money and being in financial difficulty can cause all sorts of problems to both your mental and physical health. It can cause sleepless nights, depression, fatigue, stress, and anxiety. You can become withdrawn, overworked, and shut yourself off from the rest of the world. If you have no idea how to get help, you can dig yourself into an even deeper hole. But if you have money troubles, you should do the opposite and talk to those closest to you and also the professionals. Banks, loans, and friends can all be willing to help if they know there is a problem. There is often a solution. But worrying by yourself is not going to help. Keeping calm about your finances and remaining focused and positive is the first step to getting out of money troubles. Today we’re going to take a look at some of the reasons people start worrying about money and how you can ease the stress a little bit.

Worried about incontinence? Assume it is a fact of life as we age? Think again!

Incontinence is not inevitable with age

Many things come with age – wisdom, for example - but incontinence does not have to be one of them.

For a long time, the assumption about urinary incontinence was that it was irreversible, the signal of a slow decline. The use women’s incontinence pads were inevitable and also irreversible.

And women were more susceptible it as a result of pregnancy and birth, as well as many other gynaecological issues.

Incontinence can be managed, with the right treatment and help, it can also be reversed. What can be done to avoid incontinence later in life? Here are five great tips…


Whether your family has outgrown your home or you want to move to be closer to better schools, you're probably wondering what your best option is. The chances are you’ve heard a lot of good things about building a home instead of buying one. And so, are starting to wonder whether that could be a good route to go down. To make the decision process a little easier for you, and to help you make a more informed decision, below is a list of the pros and cons of each option. Have a read and see which option seems like the best fit for yours’ and your family’s needs.
Building a home:
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Let’s start with the pros. The single biggest pro of choosing to build a home instead of buying one is that you have complete control over the design of the property. Whether you’ve always dreamed of creating an eco-friendly home or a certain style of property, you can do it. Another benefit of opting to build a property is that you can choose how it’s laid out and what rooms it has. Always dreamed of having an attic living room looking out over the countryside? Or have you always wanted a glass fronted living room? Whatever you imagine your dream home to be, building a property from scratch allows you to achieve that dream. Unless you’ve got a background in design and constructional, you’ll need a little help from a professional company. Have a browse online and look for suitable companies like Nidus Professional Architects, for instance.


"So now it is time to disassemble the parts of the jigsaw puzzle or to piece another one together, for I find that, having come to the end of my story, my life is just beginning."-- Conrad Veidt

We all live in a world that where stress exists. We find ways on how we cope up with our stress like watching television, surfing the internet, playing video games as well as playing puzzles



Gift giving is an art form in itself. Gifts can make or break a friendship or relationship. It sounds extreme, but it’s true. All sorts of arguments stem from late gifts, forgotten gifts or inappropriate gifts. Why? Because gift giving is a reflection of how you feel about the person. It shows the depth of your relationship and your perception or understanding of his or her personality. Thoughtless gifts show a flippant and uncaring attitude to someone. Whereas a well thought out, beautiful gifts make you feel well loved, appreciated and wanted. There are general rules of etiquette when it comes to offering a gift. So, here’s a quick guide to the do’s and don't when it comes to passing the parcel.
When we move into a property, we hope that it’s going to be a place where we can stay as our family grows up. We don’t expect that we will have to move again in a few years as we have run into problems! But a large proportion of people does end up putting their house on the market as they can’t afford issues that arise with their home. To make sure there are no problems when you first buy the property, you should get a structural survey. That way, you will find out about any problems before you make a purchase. If everything comes back okay, you can move in and then you need to ensure it stays in an excellent condition. After all, it’s down to your family to ensure the home remains in good order, so you don’t run into issues. Therefore, here are some excellent ways to keep your home in good order so that you don’t encounter problems and have to move!

When you’re a homeowner, the last thing you want is an expected disaster to put your safety or your prized possessions at risk. Sometimes, accidents are inevitable. But often, these are steps you can take to protect your home and keep your family safe from harm. Here are some of the most common home emergencies and some hacks to help you avoid them.


We are so excited about going on holiday that getting our home ready falls to the bottom of the list. But it’s so important to prepare your home so that you don’t come back to an empty property! After all, so many thieves break into properties when the owners are away. And the worst thing about it is they don’t have to try that hard. People leave doors open, or forget to close windows which allow easy access to the property. Therefore, don’t make these mistakes with your home when you are heading off on holiday!

Not double checking doors
As discussed above, so many burglars make their way into the home through doors which have not been shut properly. It means they won’t draw attention when entering your home. Therefore, to prevent making this mistake, you should double check the front and back door before leaving the house. That way, you will know that they are safely locked, and it will be harder for thieves to enter your property! And don’t forget to close windows too; leaving them wide open will increase the chances of a burglary!

Key, Lock, Open, Opening, Door


When the word “addict” comes to mind, many will automatically think of homeless people on the streets, begging for change for their next fix. That or cliche AA meetings. Where people stand up and introduce themselves: “Hi, I’m ______, and I’m an alcoholic.” There is so much social stigma surrounding addiction. But so many people suffer from it. From alcoholism to nymphomania and more. Even smoking is a form of addiction, and many of us feel withdrawal symptoms when we don’t have a strong cup of coffee for a couple of days. Addiction is so much more widespread than many of us think it is. Here’s a little advice on addiction and when it’s time to seek help.



It’s not every day that you’re fortunate enough to strike it rich. Okay, so you may not have become a millionaire, but you may have come into some money. Whether that’s a few hundred pounds or a few thousand, it doesn’t matter. What’s important is that you take the time to think carefully about how you want to spend it. Because regardless of whether it’s inheritance money, a bonus from work, or lottery winnings, you should spend it wisely. Of course, deciding how to spend your money can be tough. Don’t stress about it - below are some excellent ideas for ensuring that you spend any money that you come into wisely.
Take that trip of a lifetime
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One of the best ways to make family memories that will last a lifetime is by taking trips together. So how about spending your money on a family trip of a lifetime? Whether you’ve always dreamed of taking your kids on safari or have been talking about taking a trip to Disney World, now could be a perfect time. Family trips are expensive, which can often mean that we put off taking them. However, if you’ve come into some money that you didn’t expect to have, why not use it to go away with your family and make some incredible memories? Family trips are essential for family bonding, so it's important to go on vacation as often as you can.


Last month I was very much lucky to be one of the bloggers who received Japan Funbox all the way from Japan for FREE. What is Japan Funbox anyway? It is a subscription-based company who ships candies and snacks straight to your doorstep every month which you could also cancel any time once you don't want to continue your subscription anymore. You can have a taste of different Japanese snacks at a lower price compared to other online shops. 

Funbox comes in 3 candy box sizes: 

MINI (14.99$/month)- consist of 5 to 7 items

ORIGINAL (32.99$/month)- 15 to 20 items inside and 1 DIY kit
One special item (Japanese toy, Gachapon toy, special DIY, drink, adult candy, etc..)

FAMILY (49.99$/month)-25 to 30 items plus 1 DIY Kit, two special items (Japanese toy, Gachapon toy, special DIY, drink, adult candy, etc.)
1 to 2 premium quality noodles (ramen, udon, soba, yakisoba, etc..)

The funbox regardless of its size is FREE SHIPPING WORLDWIDE


“It is always uplifting to the restless thoughts, to the sleepless eyes and to the troubled heart to be able to watch their kids sleeping peacefully. The innocent eyes, those little noses and the slight movement of their mouth from breathing, makes all the pain go away. It's like a melodious sound that inspire you to put aside all the worries and just keep going because life flows, moves.” ― Karl Gornal 

Moms tends to be overprotective with their kids. We wanted them to be safe and protected all the time. There were few cases of neglectful mothers "pabayang ina" but I know for sure that most of us want the best for our child.


The workplace of today is quickly changing. Offices are now observing casual Fridays all week long in some startups, and the old rules are slowly being discarded. Although the workplace is loosening up some things, currently remain constant in workplace fashion. It is important that while attempting to stay in step with a time that many unspoken workplace fashion faux pas are not committed.
Compiled is a list that will benefit all readers, male or female, and a tip or two to trade with the recent college graduate or teenage cousin in your life to help them also succeed at work and in a dress.
Always remember that although how you dress is only a small part of who you are it is the only part that people who do not know you see when you walk by or enter a room. Make the best of what they see and both you and all around you will greatly benefit.
Remember that while some rules still serve as constants in workplace fashion today, the ever changing work landscape may call for a set of new rules in another decade.
Whether you are a start-up, a small business or a home-worker developing your brand, you resolutely need a super sleek website to up your game. In this day and age, a company without a website automatically sets alarm bells ringing. With advances in technology, having a website assures customers of your credibility and reliability. But of course, first impressions count. So make sure you have a website that lives up to its name with these superstar tips for creating your company's first online presence.

Photo from: Pixaby

Mothers like me always need to make wise choices about the food, and beverages we give our children. And for our child's protection, we should check the label of the product first so that we know exactly the nutrient content of the food our children eats. Food labels help me decide in choosing good nutrition and helps me avoid food and beverage with ingredients that are not good such as products with high sugar content or allergens. But just because food has lots of vitamins, it doesn't mean it's already healthy.