Showing posts with label Health and Finances. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health and Finances. Show all posts


Winning the lotto, being left money by a relative or discovering a hoard of treasure in your garden aside, most of us could do with a bit more cash.  Achieving this may be something that is more viable than you think too, especially if you prevent yourself from making the mistakes described in the post below. To that end, read on to find out what they are and how to avoid them, ensuring your purse and coffers remain as full as possible!

Not claiming benefits that you are owed

One reason that many people can find themselves short of cash is that they are not claiming money or benefits that they are rightfully owed. In fact, in many countries benefits are awarded for those that are parents, those on lower incomes, and even those that have illness or disability, something you can find out more about at The idea being that people that fit this description won't have to struggle financially.

Of course, you'd be bonkers to not to claim such benefits if you qualified to them! Therefore be sure to check online or at your local citizens’ advice bureau to see if there any you have missed.

Erb’s palsy is a condition caused by damage to the nerves of a baby’s upper arm as a result of trauma to the arm during birth. This most commonly occurs when a baby’s shoulder becomes obstructed by the mother’s pelvis, preventing the baby from being delivered normally, and inappropriate force is used by medical staff to rectify the problem.

The condition can lead to either full or partial paralysis of the affected arm, but in most cases, the damage can be repaired or significantly reduced if the right treatment is provided. The first year after the baby is born is usually the most critical period for treatment, but some children will need ongoing treatment for a number of years. Treatment can include surgery and/or various therapeutic approaches, depending on the circumstances.


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Credit cards have built up somewhat of a bad reputation. Many people use them irresponsibly and to live beyond their means, and then struggle to pay them off when it comes to it. The cycle of credit card debt is difficult to get out of - run up a debt, then get into more debt trying to pay them off.

The thing is, if used correctly and responsibly, credit cards can be useful. If your credit score allows it, you have the willpower not to use it for unnecessary and extravagant purchases, and you have the means to pay it off, they can actually be a handy financial tool, especially if you find the right one for you from cardguru. Here, we look at why they aren't as bad as you think.


Your home should be a safe and tranquil space, a place where you can relax, work, play, eat and dream. Your home is so much more than a building, it is most likely the only place in the world that you can truly call your own. But unfortunately, for many people, the home is not as safe as it should be.

While building regulations are there to protect us from rogue builders and landlords, for many people, there are still dangers in the home that could cause serious health issues later on. This is absolutely unacceptable. Here are 3 dangers to watch out for in your own home.


When you are a theatre manager you have more than just the health and safety of your theatre staff to consider in your day to day tasks of running your theatre. You also need to have thorough and robust Health & Safety policies and procedures in place to help protect every single person that sets foot over your threshold or needs to work in the immediate vicinity of your building.

You have to take into consideration the health and safety needs of those who spend their working day within your theatres, such as set designers and maintenance staff. Not forgetting, of course, the visiting performing artists using your space for rehearsals and public performances.

There is also the risks to the general public attending your theatre productions to assess and address to ensure a safe environment for them to have an enjoyable time. With such a diverse range of people to take care of with regards to their personal safety, it falls upon you like the theatre owner or manager to ensure that your theatre complies with current health and safety laws.


Many people choose to have their teeth whitened for up and coming special events or occasions where they want to ensure they look their best – complete with a dazzling white smile. These events include weddings, milestone birthdays, award ceremonies and job interviews.

With the younger generation being increasingly selfie-crazed and constantly sharing photos on social media, it is no wonder that teeth whitening has become one of the most common procedures asked of cosmetic dentists across the world.


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Losing someone close to you is always a tough ordeal to go through. At some point in life, everyone goes through this process, and it’s natural to find the whole thing very challenging, especially when you’re still quite young. Of course, this is only made harder when money is thrown into the mix. It’s easy to feel bad when you’re thinking about someone’s finances before the funeral has even taken place, but this is something you simply have to swallow if you want to make the most of what they have left behind for you.


Finding out that you need to go into hospital to receive treatment can be a scary time, but you must always remember that this is a step forward towards your long-term health being preserved. When your treatment or operation is completed, and you are discharged, this doesn’t mean your care stops, it simply means you take over the responsibility. Undergoing hospital treatment and potentially a lengthy stay can have a negative effect on the body that you need to know how to counteract so that you can get back to be your old self in no time.

This article will cover three simple ways to ensure you’re right as rain:
  • Staying physically strong
  • Eating healthy
  • Keeping vigilant for problems



When you go through something terrible in your life it can be very easy to allow it to consume your thoughts and take over your feelings. You want to get back on track right away but it isn’t always that easy. No matter what your situation is, there will always be a way to approach your recovery in a healthy way, that doesn’t put your wellbeing at risk. After going through a trauma it can be a long road to recovery, but if you have the right mindset you will soon be able to live your life to the fullest again. Here are so ideas on how you can start to move on and feel better about yourself right now.


Cases of plastic surgery are increasing among women. And, it’s not only the young girls who are desperate to halt the signs of aging that are the prime suspects. Middle-aged women who are struggling to come to terms with their new bodies are also part of the epidemic.

Whether you’re for or against cosmetic surgery is a personal thing. No one can doubt it has it’s pros as well as it does its cons. What is also undeniable is the potential risk. So, before going under the knife, it’s essential to ask the following questions.

These will help you limit the damage and make an informed decision.


Medical malpractice is an extremely serious subject area. As a society, we tend to put a whole lot of faith into medical practitioners - they’ve spent years studying to carry out their role, and even more years training to improve their knowledge and techniques. Most of the time, medical professionals who we come into contact with will be entirely professional, have their patients’ best interests at the forefront of their mind, and will do their utmost to ensure that you receive the best treatment possible. However, every so often, there is an incident of medical malpractice where a doctor or other medical professional will make a decision that does not benefit their patient and may have negative consequences. Now, most of the time, we focus on physical repercussions to medical malpractice. However, countless individuals have suffered mental repercussions over the years too! So, let’s focus on this area for now!


When your bank account starts to dwindle and take a turn for the worse, it can be a very overwhelming feeling. You pride yourself on providing your family with everything they need to live a happy and comfortable life, however recently you have been struggling a lot with your finances. Whether you overspent on your wedding, made a risky business decision or are suddenly paying far too much for your household bills, there will be a way to get back on track. Instead of worrying and becoming stressed you can approach your money problems calmly and explore all of the avenues available to you.

More about Bankruptcy

If you need a fresh start financially, then you might want to assess your options when it comes to bankruptcy. It’s a scary term that is often thrown around without proper knowledge of the subject. If you want to know more Dove Law Firm can help you and your family feel more comfortable with your future finances.

woman pointing out on contract form with man beside her smiling

Budgeting Blues

So that your money woes don’t happen again you need to think carefully about how you budget on a day to day basis. If you are overspending you could be eating away into money you simply don’t have. Make a diary of your incomings and outgoings and you will soon be able to come up with a workable plan.

Most can agree that one of the most exhausting jobs out there is being a mom. You will notice that the exhaustion and fatigue are even worse when you aren’t giving your body all the nutrients that it needs to function correctly. You can take a supplement but one of the best ways to take care of your body is to feed it proper nutritious food. Click here for more if you want more information on the best products to take care of your body.


Recently, mental health problems have been spiking all around the world. This has led to people realizing just how important it is to take good care of yourself. Without self-care, you may be more vulnerable to underlying mental health issues reoccurring. The best thing about self-care is that it can be followed when you feel great, as it is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. However, it can also be followed when you aren’t feeling your best, as it can be a comfort and a helping hand in times of distress. If you are struggling to find some trustworthy information on self-care, you should consider some easy but crucial ways you can build it into your life.


Care entails practical knowledge and empathy, whether youre looking after an individual with disabilities, medical issues, or age-related handicaps. To go above and beyond, providing the best care possible, youll need to balance your responsibilities alongside your relationship with the person youre caring for, ensuring that youre listening as much as youre providing. Below are listed four factors that contribute to the best kind of care, under whatever circumstances. If youre getting all four right, youll be safe in the knowledge that you couldnt be doing more to help the person under your care.


Every month women struggle with the same unavoidable problem of menstrual cramps. Though there are some women who have less painful experiences, most of us tend to hurt a lot. Besides googling “how to make your period come fast” and “why is my period late”, next in line is the search for finding menstrual cramp relief. Here are the top 5 ways that work for most women, some of which you probably haven’t tried yet.


You may be under the mistaken belief that healthy eating in midlife is all about cutting out the tasty items, and replacing them with stuff that looks like bird seed, or rabbit food! Of course, this isn't the case at all, and there are plenty of ways to eat a balanced diet that are enjoyable and delicious. Just read my suggestions below to see what they are!