
Every January, Utah welcomes hundreds of filmmakers, critics, actors and film fans to the Sundance Film Festival. The event includes weeks of screenings and acts as a launching pad for films to be bought and distributed by major companies. It is the largest independent film festival in the world and was created by famed actor Robert Redford as a way to encourage the film industry in Utah. With such a gathering of industry professionals, producers like Heather Parry, and those seeking the early scoop on the coming year's slate of films, there's always some films that get people talking. 



Every new year brings us new trends. If you’re in the business world, you might be looking at stock trends. For those who love clothes, you might be following fashion trends. If you’ve landed here, chances are you’re interested in beauty. Beauty trends can change at the drop of a hat, but we’re here to give you the scoop before you miss it. To stay ahead of the trends this year, here are the top hair trends of 2020.