
There are many benefits to outdoor learning; so many in fact, that it might surprise you. It’s a broad term, but in most prep schools it essentially involves exploration of the natural world, experimenting, going on adventures and discovering new things that cannot be found indoors.

Not all young people are lucky enough to have their own garden, so the availability of outdoor learning at school gives them the opportunity to play outside and get some fresh air and exercise in a safe and controlled environment.  Children often have too much exposure to smartphones, tablets and other digital devices, which might actually lead to both physical and psychological issues. As well as supporting the school curriculum, outdoor learning can also involve activities such as:


As the summer comes to a close, plenty of people are preparing to send children back to school. Others are preparing for the fun of football season, hearty soups and pumpkin spice lattés. However, it's very important to remember to take care of yourself as well. Self-care is a buzz word because so many people place themselves on the back burner. As you transition into the cooler months of the fall, consider the following ways you can prioritize self-care.


The perfect engagement ring reflects the wearer’s personality. But antique engagement rings truly form a special connection. In fact, part of the charm of an antique engagement ring is its history. Many different countries, trends and periods are represented in different designs, and no two rings are the same. If you think an antique ring is a way to go, here are a few factors that affect the price of engagement rings.