
The best thing we can do to make sure our children look after themselves whenever we’re not around is to ingrain some healthy habits. From eating healthily to being safe online, there are so many things that can give us concerns on a daily basis. The benefits of teaching kids the importance of self-sufficiency at a young age will do them wonders for their confidence, make them more responsible and aware of their actions, and it helps us sleep a little better at night!


Argh! It can be so tempting to think about moving into a new place when you are getting sick and frustrated with the one that you are currently in. But before you rush to put out your for sale sign, remember that moving is always expensive and full of stress and hassle. So you don't actually want to consider it unless it's absolutely necessary. Instead, the solution may just be to change something about your current home to improve it. Read on to find out more.

Create more space
One of the biggest reasons that folks move is that they believe their home is just too small for them. Perhaps they have had another baby, or they have got too much stuff for it to be a comfortable space anymore. But is this really always the case? Or are there things that you can do to make your home feel more spacious? Well, yes! There are ways of making your home seem bigger and more spacious that it actually is.


Sleep is one of our body's necessity for us to be able to functional properly throughout a day. Lack of sleep can be dangerous for our health. Sleep deprivation can not only make us feel in a bad mood but also can give us a serious problem like heart diseases, obesity and diabetes.

Athletes like The Captain Alvin Patrimonio himself, know best that we all need regular sound sleep to nurture life. In celebration of World Sleep Day, join Uratex in raising awareness on the value of good sleep despite our busy lifestyle.

As the country’s Sleep Specialist, Uratex brings premium and technology-rich products that can equip the comfort that you desire.

So come join Uratex and celebrate the value of good sleep. #SleepSoundlyWithUratex


Just as soon as we’re out of the spotty, hormonal teenage years, our skin begins the process of aging. Doesn’t seem fair really, does it? While aging is a natural process that everyone who’s lucky enough to make it to their later years will experience, there’s plenty you could be doing which is speeding up the process. No one wants to look years older than their age, and so if you want to keep your youthful good looks for as long as possible- here are some things you might be doing wrong!

Not Removing Makeup
When we sleep our skin cells regenerate and repair. Being clogged with makeup interrupts this process, and over time can cause damage and aging to the skin. Micellar water is an effective makeup remover, a few drops applied to a cotton bud can really help to lift impurities from the surface of the skin. Follow it up with a light cleanser and then moisturize for a soft and fresh feeling complexion.