
Stop Everything! This is not a drill. In true Beyonce style, Queen Bey announced her pregnancy on Instagram on Wednesday, February 1, 2017 by posting a photo of herself in a bra and panties, cradling her pregnant belly. That's not even the half of it: Bey's not just pregnant, she's pregnant WITH TWINS!

If you are a serious runner, then you are surely always looking for a way to improve your running, be it by increasing your speed or how much you can endure. It is a common discussion among runners as to what is the best way to breathe when you run. Some claim that breathing only through your nose is the best way to go, while others agree that using your mouth is necessary as well. In this article, we are going to discuss proper ways of breathing, various techniques that you can apply, as well as the possible reasons why your nose breathing isn’t as good as you’d want it to be.


If you’re looking to lose a few pounds, no doubt you’ll be thinking of overhauling your lifestyle. This usually entails changing your diet and implementing an exercise regime. There are some things that you should do before trying to lose weight which will help you on your journey. The last thing anybody wants is to have to stop and start with their new routine, so prepare first!

Clear out the Cupboards
This is a big one. If you’re serious about sticking to a healthy lifestyle you need to get rid of any remnants of your old one. You may be full of motivation now, but three weeks in if there’s temptation in your cupboards you could break. Avoid this situation completely by only stocking your cupboards full of things you can eat. Swap any crisps and chocolate for healthy nuts. Similarly, try and eat more fresh food and cook from scratch. If you set your cupboards up properly before starting to try to lose weight, you're more likely to succeed.
For a comfortable home that encourages the family to spend time together relaxing and having fun, you need to have a good living room, which works for everyone and allows you all to function practically when you’re home.

You don’t have to be the best interior decorator in the world to create a great family living room; you just need to take into account everyone’s needs and take a look at some of the great ideas below.