
Are you fond of traveling to different parts of the country? Have you been to Davao City before? Perhaps you are planning to visit anytime soon? Davao is a city that you could very well liken to that classmate of yours back in school who quietly sits at the back of the class but almost always finds a way to impress people.

Simple, quiet and yet, significant when it comes to both headlines, and in size, a city is a place that has lots to offer to the curious tourist, from its numerous tourist attractions to the number of must-book boutique hotels in Davao.

Facade of the Saint Peter Cathedral in Davao City (Photo via Wikimedia by Franz28)
That is if you’re willing to explore.

Because of its sheer size, Davao City’s many districts could easily pass for cities. And, without your guide to follow, getting lost is almost guaranteed.


Theft is a huge concern for all of us. With stories forever appearing in the news, it can feel as though the problem is always on the increase. Worse, there are so many different crimes to consider. We don’t just have to worry about break-ins to muggings anymore. Thieves can get to us from the comfort of their homes now. All they need do is sit at a computer, and they can take everything we’ve got. If you have fallen victim to a crime, it’s hard to know where to go next. You might be so shaken by what’s happened that you have no idea how to move forward. Rest assured; there are some steps you can take to help you move on with your life.
The holidays will be here soon, and families everywhere will be getting together to enjoy some festive cheer. Everyone hopes to be jolly and enjoy these few days off work together. But sadly, at this time of year, there is a rise in accidents involving children. It can happen so easily and so quickly. The last thing you want is to spend your Christmas in the hospital. So here are a few tips to help you avoid accidents in the home this festive period:

The Tree
Lots of homes have a tree up. Many of us enjoy the scent of a real Christmas tree in the living room. However, most real trees do shed, and those needles are sharp! If you’ve got a little one crawling about, consider how you’re going to keep her from picking them up or chewing on them. Raising it up and sitting it in a tray is one solution, but if your little one can stand, chances are they may be able to knock it over. You might prefer an artificial one, or using a fireguard around it while the baby is playing in the room.

Image via Pathfinder at PixaBay

There comes the point where we have to acknowledge that we need outside help. It can be in the middle of a DIY renovation or because there has been some mishap, but the result is the same. You have got a problem, and it's outside of your ability to fix it.