

There are heaps of screen free activities you can try out with your child. Not everything has to rely on using a screen to keep your kids entertained, which is why you should always keep a bank of activities ready for those moments. We explore 5 screen free activities as recommended by this prep school in Hertfordshire.

1. A child’s first chores

There are a host of age-appropriate chores for children to explore. They could help you wash your car (even the small efforts they make!) or help you sort through dirty clothes ready to go in the washing machine. Every little helps.

2. Go for a bike ride

Get the bikes out and go for a ride out in the countryside or in your local area with your child. They may know a route already, or you can show them a new area that’s near the home to help them discover somewhere new.


Mental health is really important for children to learn and experience, and it’s why your child should become experienced in learning to handle their own wellbeing. To do this, you should direct your child to learn about how they can support themselves, and give them guidance so that you can help support your child’s mental health.


Here are some top tips from this senior school in Chelmsford.

Provide ways for your child to handle stress

When it becomes stressful for your child, it’s worth giving them free time and space to understand their feelings. If they have the chance to take a step back from a stressful situation, then let them do so as well. Keep in mind that your child may not know what the right answer is straight away, so don’t feel like you have to step in straight away, but also be there to give them pointers on how you handle your own levels of stress.

Encourage your child to keep a diary

Having a diary is a good way of using an outlet to vent and talk about your feelings without judgement from others. It also helps a child learn to be a bit less hard on themselves; writing out how we all feel makes us a bit more understanding about the situation and allows us to take a step back from things.

Show your child that it’s okay to make mistakes

We all make mistakes in our lifetime, which is why your child should be reminded of how they can make that possible. Work on how your child can manage when mistakes occur and how to troubleshoot issues when they arise.


Knowing how to solve a problem when they come up will give your child a lot more confidence in themselves as a result, and it also makes you see how far your child has become.



**Image from: pexels.com



Most people know they should be healthy, but sometimes it's hard to stick to it. This is especially true as people get older and their bodies become less forgiving of unhealthy habits. To help you stay on track, here are five unhealthy mistakes to avoid before you turn 60.

Not Getting Enough Sleep

One of the most important things you can do for your health is to get enough sleep. Unfortunately, people don't get seven to eight hours per night. The majority of Americans don't get enough sleep at night. This can lead to various health problems, including weight gain, depression, and decreased immunity. If you're not getting enough sleep, make sure to implement some healthy sleep habits, and these options:

  • Get enough exercise: Exercise can help you fall asleep more efficiently and improve the quality of your sleep.
  • Create a bedtime routine: A relaxing routine can help signal to your body that it's time to wind down for the night.
  • Limit caffeine and alcohol: These substances can interfere with sleep, so it's best to avoid them in the evening.
  • Manage stress: Stress can make it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep. If you're stressed, try relaxation techniques like yoga or meditation.

Sleep is an essential part of growing older in a healthy way. So make sure to develop good sleeping habits early.

Eating Processed Foods

Another unhealthy mistake many of us make is eating too many processed foods. These foods are often high in sugar, salt, and fat and can lead to weight gain, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Try cooking more meals at home using fresh ingredients to avoid processed foods. You'll be surprised at how much better you'll feel! If you don't have time for it, consider these options:

Meal Planning

Planning your meals is an efficient way to ensure you can eat healthily. There are known meal planning for seniors and online services for them. Using these services can save a lot of time, and it can even teach you things you might not know about.