

A bundle of over a million nerve fibers carries visual messages from the eyes to the brain. This is the delicate and complex network that is your optic nerve. Located in the back of each eye, the optic nerve functions as a highway. So imagine if it were wrecked. It's like seeing an obstruction or a hole in the middle of a road. And no one or nothing can pass through its intended destination.


If you are planning to tie the knot in 2020, you will no doubt wish to end the year on a positive note, what with the emergence of COVID-19 and the global pandemic, and if you are looking for wedding ring designs that are trendy, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will take a look at some of the popular wedding band designs that are being seen at wedding ceremonies this year.

Three Stone Setting

Imagine a thick band with a central and two smaller stones, one on each side, and you have a very attractive wedding ring design. With either a channel or bezel setting, the stones will be very secure. Rather than searching for the ideal wedding ring, you can discuss designs with a well-known custom jeweller, who would be able to create a truly unique ring, and the cost would be comparable to buying a ring off the jeweller’s shelf.



Staying fit and healthy has become a challenge for modern humans because the 21st century has brought with it a sedentary lifestyle, that is making a considerable number of people obese. As a result, obesity is causing health conditions like varicose veins which can pose quite a few problems, but it can be treated by Endovenous Laser Treatment, or EVLT. In the face of these pressing circumstances, many health and outlook conscious people are undertaking various techniques to lose weight. However, even though these techniques are useful in losing weight, scientists claim that around 90 percent of such people gain this weight almost as quickly as they lose it.

The most critical component of weight loss is the calorie count, and it is not something to incorporate in your daily life only for a few months. If you wish to remain fit and healthy, you will have to build your lifestyle such that you keep a count on the calories you ingest and the calories you burn. Otherwise, your weight will keep on fluctuating which can have devastating effects on your body. We have discussed here four horrifying side-effects of weight fluctuations on your body so that you start visualizing the weight-maintaining routine as a long term commitment.