
Over the years there has been lots of discussion around the subject of how diet can affect your child’s education.  A leading, international independent school based in Alicante understands and promotes the importance of the right diet for your child to help support your child’s performance in school.

While the intake of food is vital for proper performance, many of the widely available and popular snacks and foods are actually hindering children’s abilities to learn. Foods that are loaded with sugars, caffeine, chemicals, and sodium are leaving children tired and unfocused.  As well as affecting your child’s learning it also has a significant impact on their behaviour and mood.

Slipping grades are not always an accurate indication of how hard your child is trying, how much they are learning, or what their potential for success later on in life is. With this in mind, we should not overreact but what should we be doing as parents?

A highly successful, international, independent school in Marbella suggests the following advice on what to consider and how you can support your child…


As Julie Wainwright said in an interview, many people from older generations used to keep their consignment shopping a secret from people. However, younger people today often brag about finding a good deal on second-hand clothes. Since people have been more open about their love for bargain hunting, Julie knew it would be a good idea to open retail stores. Many shoppers who come to the Real Real say that they are tired of typical fashions and do not want to conform to what is popular today. They are often annoyed that trends change so quickly, and many people just want to wear what they like. For this reason, the Real Real is a good choice. People can buy unique modern styles or vintage items. They can wear a pair of vintage pants with a modern shirt to make their own style. For shoppers who want to build their own ensembles, the Real Real is the perfect place to visit.