
*Picture taken from Pixabay

Following the rise of the digital era and social media, we have begun to define ourselves and others based solely on a number of likes we receive on an Instagram post or Facebook status. It has radically changed how celebrities are perceived on social media. In the worlds of music and fashion, ‘likes’ are now essential to a clothing brand’s or artist’s overall success.

The success of a campaign is now measured on the gained exposure online through likes and shares as opposed to traditional methods such as billboards and television advertisements. Together with Trilogy Stores, retailers of designer high waisted jeans, we investigate how and why social media is having such a significant impact on the world of fashion.

Our bones are the very foundation of our health care. Without good bone health, everything else rather fades into the background. If you can’t move comfortably, then your life is going to be hamstrung by a variety of obstacles - so keeping your skeleton in tip top condition should be a paramount concern.

It is extremely worrying, then, to think that you might be doing things in your everyday life which are having a detrimental impact on the health of your bones. To keep you feeling good for as long as possible, banishing - or at least examining - these habits becomes an essential. Also, rather than just trying to terrify you, there are a few solutions and substitutions to be learned as well!


You can’t wait to finally marry your husband-to-be after getting engaged, but once you’ve taken this big step, there’s one thing left to find: the perfect wedding ring.

If your partner chose your engagement ring for you, with so many options, it could be difficult to choose the perfect wedding ring for yourself. With so many different types of cut, colour, clarity, and carat to choose from, it can be a daunting task before the big day arrives.

Together with Angelic Diamonds, specialist retailers in bespoke wedding rings and marquise engagement rings, we provide you with the definitive need-to-knows when it comes to choosing a ring that looks perfect on your finger.


I love researching the history of different cultures and countries! One that has particularly spiked my interest lately is China. For example, the major stages (Primitive Society, Slave Society, Feudal Society, Semi-feudal and Semi-colonial Society, and Socialist Society) are so interesting to me! The earliest Chinese history that is on file is in prehistoric times - about 1.7 million years ago, or the 21st century BC. Such old history!!

The earliest history is, of course, told through tails that have been formed over time. Some of that history known was Chinese settlers building farms and towns along the major rivers, Chinese learning how to make bronze, and the Xia Dynasty becoming the first dynasty in China. All of this history is amazing, but for me, some of my favorite histories come from the small things. Things that I can put in my home and tell a story about things like swords, tea, porcelain, and more.

Why put historical items in your home, you ask? Like I mentioned above, I love having things in my home that tell a story. From essential family items to historical items or travel purchased, my guests can hear a story and know the full meaning of every decoration (or useful) item in my home, and that is a lot of fun for me! I know, by now, you are probably wondering what some of the items are that I have in my home or would love to incorporate into my house. Here’s a list of Chinese items I have in my home (or would like to add to my home):