
Dr. Juan Paolo Bellosillo, International Fellow of Integrative Medicine and American Association of Integrative Medicine, sat down with us one rainy afternoon to discuss and talk about one of the biggest concern of beauty lovers. AGING.

Doc Pao as he is fondly called was kind enough to give us six tips on how we can age gracefully or if possible, stop time from showing on our skin.


As you will know, ageing is an unavoidable part of life. It's something that not many of us like to think about - but ultimately, it's something we all need to accept. The saying 'growing old gracefully' has been around for years, and is open to many different interpretations. Some people consider it meaning that you become more demure and respectable. Whereas others reject that concept and believe your behaviour shouldn't have to change just because you've aged. But whilst there's no reason at all that you can't keep going out to your favourite bar, or playing your favourite sport, there are some things that will inevitably change as you age. Most of these revolve around physicalities. After all, our thoughts and opinions will stay relatively the same, unless we take it upon ourselves to change them. But, unfortunately, we have no choice over what happens to our face and body. Nearly all women will start to notice signs of ageing somewhere between forty and fifty years old. If you're happy with your body whatever its condition, then you rock it! But it can be a source of great insecurity for a lot of women, especially as we tend to age faster than men. If you want to slow the signs of ageing and only look as best as you can, there are hints and tricks you can do to stop the clock in its tracks.
Last month I was very much lucky to be one of the bloggers who received Japan Funbox all the way from Japan for FREE. What is Japan Funbox anyway? It is a subscription-based company who ships candies and snacks straight to your doorstep every month which you could also cancel any time once you don't want to continue your subscription anymore. You can have a taste of different Japanese snacks at a lower price compared to other online shops. 

Funbox comes in 3 candy box sizes: 

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FAMILY (49.99$/month)-25 to 30 items plus 1 DIY Kit, two special items (Japanese toy, Gachapon toy, special DIY, drink, adult candy, etc.)
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