
Teenagers can be tricky to deal with. You just never know how to please them! And that transitional period when your kids start growing into their teenage years can be like stepping on eggshells. Especially when it is time for their bedroom to be decorated. All of their childhood toys need to be put into storage, and all of their cool new stuff needs to come out. Talking to your teenager can be tough at the best of times, but when you need to ask them how they want their room decorated, it can be a nightmare! Your idea of good decor might ultimately clash with theirs! And what was meant to be a quick chat could end up in a huge argument! Nervous about broaching the subject of decorating to your teenager? Don’t be – here are some useful tips and tricks you can use to get your teenager’s bedroom just right.

Pregnancy can be considered to be one of the most wonderful times in a woman’s life. Raging hormones and dramatic changes to our bodies can indeed feel rather odd at times! But one of the most unusual symptoms of all these changes is the need to nest. Nearly every woman goes through a few weeks feeling like they have to clean, sort, tidy, and completely rearrange the house!

If you’re entering your nesting phase, then there are plenty of things you can do around the house to prepare for your new arrival. Clearing some space for your little one is often a priority. You might start with your closets and cupboards. Getting rid of all that old clutter means you can make enough room for all the things you and your new baby will need soon. Perhaps you need to clean out the spare room so you can turn it into a nursery?


We live in a world where being hairless other than the ones on our head is beautiful. Society has given much ado on being hairless from the nose down and being seen with a body full of hair gives the impression as unhygienic. 

While some of us grew up familiar with a razor, technology, and the new era ushers in a better way in removing unsightly hair in our body.

Some might view it as ugly vanity, but removing unsightly hair in our body simply shows that we care for our overall looks, and we value how people sees us. Hair removal is a lifestyle, and it demonstrates how you brand yourself. 

Properly branding yourself will eventually lead to elation. Feeling good about yourself can lead to a more productive life as it boosts your confidence resulting to a more productive you.

Read on to establish pros and cons in ways to removing hair in your body.


Students are thrilled to go back to school especially with new stuff to add to their equipment.  Our children are so keen on keeping up with the Joneses and having the latest gadget gives them the drive to look forward to the school year 2016-2017.

They anticipate parading on the catwalks of their favorite school sporting the most recent trend to match their new uniforms, shoes, bags, notebooks, etc. 

Most of all its Parent’s funding season, the pinnacle of all. Allowance so to speak, where kids learn their first haggling in the world of finance.

Every parent's dream is to provide fully for their treasured children/students. The necessities required by the academe is more often overwhelming. Thus Cd-R King perceives the need to provide for parents, students, and the school itself a channel where quality yet affordable supplies can be acquired. 

Remember when CD-R King disrupted the nation by providing the most affordable blank media? Everyone shifted to the brand, and most Filipinos are thankful to have an alternative as oppose to the most expensive ones in the market. Giving Filipinos a practical option has always been CR-R Kings vision.