
The glass is a fantastic material. Using it in a home can give it a modern edge, ironic when you consider that glass is one of the oldest materials known to man.
If you want to introduce not only a modern streak but the wow factor too, read on to find out fantastic ideas with glass. With fixings and glass clips at the ready, these ideas of how to use glass will make a big difference to your home.

These ideas, from small changes to big ones, will change your home from the ordinary to the extraordinary…


Image from Pexels

If you’ve been a little bit frivolous with your money this year, you might already be thinking of becoming slightly more frugal in the future. If that’s the case, why not make it a commitment for 2017? Instead of setting resolutions that you struggle to stick to, just say to yourself that you’re going to do this one thing and see how you get on.

Saving money or being more economical doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, it can be fun and a lot easier than you think. Here are a few simple ways that you can be a bit more frugal over the next twelve months.