

Mindfulness is all about focussing on the present moment, accepting one’s thoughts and feelings, as well as any bodily sensations. It’s a type of therapeutic technique to reduce feelings of anxiety and depression that are caused by obtrusive thoughts. With all that said, you might want to consider exploring mindfulness with your child so that they are better able to manage their emotions. Read on for some tips from an independent school in Enfield.


Mindful Walks


Taking a walk through nature is a great opportunity to practise mindfulness because it’s a very sensory activity. Next time you’re out for a walk with your child, ask them to think about what they can see, hear, feel, smell, or even taste. Share some examples of your own to inspire them, such as the leaves crunching underfoot or the soft breeze on your face. By tuning into the senses within a given moment, your child will feel distracted against anything that might be making them feel stressed or anxious, like school exams or friendship problems.


Mindful Bedtime


Practising mindfulness at bedtime is a great way to help your child doze off at night. Encourage them to lie down in bed, close their eyes, and consider how each part of their body is feeling, from the top of their head to the tips of their toes. Ask them to work their way up or down, considering how their body feels against the sheets and mattress.


Mindful Snacks


Mindfulness can be practised when doing the most mundane of things, like eating a snack. Encourage your child to truly embrace the moment by thinking about the texture and flavour of what they’re eating, rather than letting the moment pass by without giving it much thought. The trick is to encourage them to savour each bite.


If you are looking for more ideas when it comes to exploring mindfulness with your child, there are lots of apps and information online that you can look into. Just remember to take it slow and practise often until it starts to come naturally to them.


There are many reasons why you might want to consider encouraging your child to start a journal. Journaling is great from an academic perspective, but also in terms of one’s health and wellbeing. I have teamed up with an independent boys’ school in London to share some of the benefits of journaling in further detail.


Journaling Enhances Literacy Skills


As with any skill, practise makes perfect. With that said, if your child writes in a journal every day, they will become better at spelling and grammar, and their vocabulary will likely improve. This is great from an educational point of view as it will help them with their essay writing at school.


Journaling is an Outlet for Emotions


Children have a lot of complex emotions that they need to work through, and journaling can help them work through these emotions and handle their private thoughts. When it comes to mental health, it’s important to be able to get things off our chests and figure out what triggers us, which is why it’s great for children.


Journaling Encourages Self-Reflection


When children write in a journal, they are able to reflect on what happened during their day, as well as their thoughts and feelings. Self-reflection is important because it helps us determine what we like and dislike, and what makes us feel calm and content or sparks frustration.


Journaling Improves Memory


Another great benefit of writing in a journal is that it’s like a little workout for the brain. It can help with memory and cognitive function, which further contributes to improved academic progress.


Journaling Sparks Ambition


People often find it easier to achieve their goals if these goals are written down and ticked off. Journaling is great for this and can spark ambition, encouraging a child to work towards various goals.


If you’re fortunate enough to be in the position where you are building a new home from the ground up, there will be lots of things you need to consider. Something worth looking into is how you can reduce the environmental impact of the build, as well as how the property operates when it’s finished. Read on for some advice on how to build an eco-friendly home.




The foundations of a property might not be something you’ve really given much thought to in the past, but some options are better than others when it comes to the environmental impact. Piling, for instance, is quicker and quieter to install and can be recycled, unlike concrete.




You should consider where you want your windows to be located within the property in order to maximise the amount of natural light coming through. This will mean that you shouldn’t have to use artificial lights as much, which is better for the environment as well as cheaper to run.




As well as the lighting, something else you should consider is the temperature of the property. Insulation is great for regulating the temperature because it reduces the amount of heat that can escape during winter and keeps the cooler air in during summer. As a result, you shouldn’t have to adjust the thermostat as often.


Speaking of thermostats, you might also want to consider installing a smart thermostat which can allow you to control the heating even when you’re not at home or heat up rooms that are in use rather than the whole house. This should reduce wasted energy and keep your utility bills to a minimum.




When installing your toilets, try and opt for dual flush options. These are great for reducing water consumption because you can use a smaller flush for liquid waste.