

Many moms silently soldier on despite the nagging feeling of fatigue and stress. The "me time" gets lost somewhere in the pile of laundry, dirty dishes, and other household chores. But that should not be the case. So to the mom reading this, here are easy and achievable ways to finally focus on yourself.



Everyone knows that being a mother takes so much from you, if not all of you. Gone are the days when we can only think of our own needs and wants because now we have little ones to consider before ourselves. But just because we have new priorities and responsibilities now, it doesn't mean that we need to stop enjoying fashion and taking care of ourselves.


And the best part? We don't need every item of clothing in the world to build a classic, elegant, and long-lasting wardrobe. We only need some key pieces and basics that will stay with us for a long time. And in a time like 2021, when we're contending with a pandemic and a climate emergency, it's not like we need to invest in every trendy piece of clothing-we only need to invest in stylish and durable ones.


It's out with excess and in with basics that stand the test of time. Here are some clothing pieces every mom needs in her closet this 2021.