
We already know quite a few perks of using shapewear, however, there is one more that always seems to be missing from every article. Wearing one of the best shapewear for women can improve your body posture. How? Many factors contribute to our bad body posture. Sometimes shy, introverted people tend to lower their shoulders in discomfort, others dragged it with them since their childhood. There are of course many more reasons that negatively impact our stance like a series of wrong workout routines, having a big bust, and chronic pain to name a few. Overall having the wrong body posture can not only impact the way you look but also your overall muscle health.



The reality of adhering to the different pandemic-related health protocols until this global health crisis are under control while slowly relaxing the expansive social restrictions to boot up the economy refers to our “new normal”.

ADP Pharma Corporation introduces to the island of Luzon the new NOVUHAIR® Petite, the fit and clear-cut choice to meet the ever-changing needs and essentials in facing the challenges and the impact of the new normal.



2020 marks the 10th successful year of NOVUHAIR in the Philippines and what a better way to celebrate this milestone by launching the NOVU VIP CLUB.

The NOVU VIP CLUB is designed to guide, inspire and take the journey together with its members a wholistic approach in managing hair loss especially during this global health crisis. Supported by a pool of 10 VIP Coaches, the members are given the opportunity to engage directly with the experts and at the same time enjoy the exciting monthly perks.