
Getting your kids ready for school in the mornings is often a huge challenge for parents, especially if there’s more than one child. The trick is to be organised and allow yourself plenty of time, just in case there are any hiccups. I have teamed up with an independent school in New York to offer you some advice on how you can save time and ensure the school run runs smoothly.

First and foremost, be sure to prepare as much as you can the night before. Encourage your kids to pack their school bags and lay their uniform out before bed so that everything is ready in the morning. If your children eat a packed lunch, you should lead by example and make the sandwiches etc. the night before too. The more you get done the night before as a family, the more time you’ll have in the morning. Checklists are great for ticking everything off and making sure you don’t forget anything.


The school holidays should be a time for some much-needed relaxation and family time, but this doesn’t mean that learning has to stop; in fact, the holidays can provide many fun and exciting learning opportunities.

Listed below are some activities recommended by Banstead Preparatory School to encourage your children to stay motivated and enjoy learning during the school holidays…


Can you feel the heat? Summer season is already around the corner and many have already gone to beaches and other summer outings while most students are looking for activities to make their vacation worthwhile. 

For those who love to play indoors or being at home, Nimo TV, one of the country's leading video game streaming platform, is an excellent past time for students who love gaming and learn new skills at the same time. It offers 8 – 12 MP quality live streaming and can be accessed via mobile or PC make it easier for everyone to start live streaming as a hobby and eventually make it a career.

Nimo TV’s unique ecosystem, which consists of streamers, viewers, brand sponsors and celebrity players can help newcomers discover different techniques in starting their channel. It has a chat feature where streamers and viewers can communicate with one another and exchange tips on how to win a game they play.