
You may have have been offered a store card a number of times when you’ve been shopping and always turned it down. “I already have a credit card, why would I need another one?” you may be asking. Well there are a number of reasons why saying ‘yes’ to a credit card from your favorite stores might be a good choice for you, below are just a few examples.
Image from Pexel

Medical negligence can leave deep-seated scars with regards to trust in the medical world, not to mention on-going resentment towards the incident and the medical professional in question. The rate of medical negligence claims the UK is far below an alarming rate. However, within five years, a total of 20 hospitals were held responsible for a total of £1.1 billion in claims alone.

This figure is a scary statistic for anyone who understands the rigid process involved for a medical negligence claim to be accepted. It takes highly experienced medical negligence solicitors to have a medical negligence claim go through the courts successfully. We asked these experts to answer some of the most frequently asked questions at a time when your trust in the medical world has been shattered.


As a hard-working mom, it goes without saying that you deserve the best night of sleep possible. From taking care of your kiddos to keeping the household running smoothly, you need your 40 winks. If you find that you're waking up sore and feeling tired, it may be time to replace your mattress. Here's how to find the best fit for you and your bedroom.