
If you’ve bleached your hair in the past, then you’re probably now dealing with the fall-out of that decision. Whilst blonde or pastel hair can look amazing, there’s quite a hefty price to pay concerning the damage that it can do to your locks, especially if you’re naturally entirely dark-haired and had to go through a lot of bleaching to achieve the desired color. Even worse, if you used a home-bleaching kit and didn’t get your dramatic change done by a professional at a hair salon, then you could be experiencing even more disastrous side-effects. But, thankfully, the good news is that even terribly damaged hair can be saved and, with time and some tender loving care, restored to good health again. Here are some top tips for looking after your bleach damaged hair.


Bangkok is the capital of Thailand and a busy metropolis of Asia. Any travel diary is incomplete without a mention of the authentic local flavour of your destination. If you are on a trip to this exotic destination in South-east Asia, you will come across delectable Thai food, Chinese delicacies and mouth-watering street food that will offer the best gastronomical tour for food lovers from all around the world.


*picture  from Pixabay

Although Qatar is a small country, encompassing just over 4,400 square miles, there are plenty of things to see and do.  Camping may not be the first thing you think of. However, it’s indeed a unique experience and one that both locals and tourists enjoy.  In this article, we’re going to take a look at some of the different camping experiences you can have in this desert country. Let’s get started, shall we?