
Below are the top finishers of the first race for the Tri-United Series held in Subic Bay Philippines, where Herbalife triathletes Lezette Albarote, Laarni Paredes, Madel Argosino, Ronald Molit and Hiroshi Takei proved that they remain a strong contender for this year.

The Herbalife triathlon team
Making every room in your home practical yet beautiful is the key to having a living space that you just adore. So how do you go about doing it? This post is going to help you get it right!

Make Sure All Pathways Are Clear
For your home to be as practical as possible, you shouldn’t have anything in a room that trips people up or gets in the way. When making your way through each and every room in your home, you should make sure pathways are permanently clear. There shouldn’t be a corner of furniture that people can bang their legs on, and there shouldn’t be a rug corner that trips people up. Getting from place to place in your home should be smooth sailing.

Use The Right Type Of Lighting
Having the right type of lighting in the home is key to making a room both practical and beautiful. Task lighting is best for the kitchen, office, and anywhere else in your home that you tend to do important things, like cooking food or even doing your makeup. Mood lighting is great for the rooms that you like to relax in. Looking at a site like ledison-led-lights.co.uk will give you an idea of the types of lighting available to you. Getting a dimmer switch could be a good idea if you want to control the level of lighting.


You suddenly realize that your kid of yesterday is now a teenager demanding a room and private space for himself. Though you know his demands are right, yet actually getting down to organizing a room for him might be daunting at first. But when you sit down to plan it with him, you'll find it's not all that difficult. With a little bit of help from him, you'll soon be headed in the right direction. Here are seven tips to get you going:
