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Hello Everyone, Looking for a cheap domain name? Good news for bloggers and website owners, Namecheap has recently launched .TOP - one of the fastest growing TLDs on the web. This domain extension has become synonymous with ranking and rating the best of the Internet and has already become immensely popular – with over 1.5 million domain names registered so far and with new registrations every day. You can also avail .CLUB for only 1.88$. Yes, no hidden fees. Register Your Domains Hassle-Free with Namecheap. This offer is for a limited time only. 

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My day won't be complete without sipping a hot cup of coffee in the morning or whenever I need to boost my energy, keep awake and functional all day. Most of my family members love coffee especially when it's paired with breakfast in the morning. But each of us has our preferences when it comes to flavors and taste of our coffee. Coffee choices are different from person to another. Whether you make you own coffee in the morning or would it be from your favorite coffee shops, coffee has been a part of our daily routine. It would mean convenience to us if we own a coffee maker that will help us make the best coffee as we go to bed at night, and it's ready as we wake up in the morning.  


Eau Thermale Avene introduces hydrating make-up remover to Filipino women.

Cosmetic products exist to help women improve their facial features or cover imperfections. But while an average woman uses 12 different products everyday—which all in all contains about 170 ingredients according to research by U.S. organization Skin Deep—their desire to look good might do more harm than good especially when proper skin regimen is well not practiced.
It is the reason Eau Thermale Avène (a leading dermo-cosmetic brand in Europe) recently invited some of the country’s most prestigious beauty and wellness bloggers and members of the media at the Salon Beauvoir in Makati, City to educate them on how to care properly for their skin before, during and after applying make-up.


How do you keep up a beautiful skin? Do you go to a dermatologist? Perhaps you're taking something or applying products to your skin? 2016 is a year for all natural; we get all serious whenever we see another DIY video on YouTube to achieve a more natural makeup, hair- do, or even a fashion OOTD. Looking natural is the way to go, meeting this looks, makes you look younger and effortlessly beautiful. Gone are the days when you put on so much blush on and foundation to cover up your blemishes, this year's trend is all about, less is more.

Sometimes we get so addicted using so many products on our skin, in a belief that it’ll make our skin more radiant and smooth, but that’s not always the case. Using less skin care products can be healthier for you, using a skin care product that will give you all the benefits that your skin needs.