Showing posts with label Food and Reviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Food and Reviews. Show all posts


Do you struggle to get your family to eat vegetarian meals? Most kids will turn their noses up at most vegetables, so giving them a plateful of greens might be a surefire way for you to turn your family dinners into a war zone. There could be a lot of complaining quickly followed by tears and tantrums!

It doesn’t always have to be like that, though, promise me. I’m sure that you will be able to find some great-tasting veggie dishes that your kids will love to tuck into. Take these, for instance. These recipes are quick and easy to whip up, and they make the perfect family dinners for lazy cooks.
When you think of all the intricate cocktails that a super-skilled and knowledgeable mixologist or bartender has served you over the years, perhaps you’ve come to consider a ‘simple’ gin and tonic a concoction everyone can make. It’s just a mixture of gin and tonic, right? Wrong. There are plenty of dos and don’ts when it comes to making this delicious and refreshing summer staple drink, so before you even think of throwing an outdoor party or make a drink for yourself after a long day at the office, take the time to learn a thing or two about mixing and matching, because believe it or not, making this drink is an art form in its own right.


Planning a wedding is extremely challenging, and surely you feel the urge to make everything perfect. But you know what the worst thing about that is? In the end, everyone will remember just a few things, such as your wedding dress, music, and, of course, food. That’s why you need to do your best to find the right caterer and choose a menu that will meet all of yours and your guests’ expectations. Don’t worry; you are not in this thing alone. Here are a few tips that will help you make your wedding catering a success that will be the talk of the town for years to come.


When we think about changing our eating habits, we usually think of the foods that we should eat less of or avoid completely, like processed meats and artificial sweeteners. What most of us don’t realize is that it is equally important to consider what we should eat more of to get the nutrients we need.

One such food that should be included in a healthy diet is the cashew nut. In the old days, the fruit was given more importance over the nut. The juice was consumed both as medicine and beverage, while the flesh and oil were used for various cooking purposes. Indeed, in Brazil where the plant originated, cashew fruit juice is highly popular and more people prefer eating the “apple” to the nut.


The macro view of a cup of latte with straw in it in Coupi bar

Good coffee is becoming somewhat of a staple in modern society. Gone are the days that people are happy with simple instant brews, and tastes are becoming more sophisticated. Of course, though, most people can’t afford the coffee shop all the time. To help you out with this, this post will be exploring the art of the perfect cup, along with the tools you’ll need to be able to start making them for yourself.