
Helping Your Child Develop their Vocabulary


From a very early age, well in their nursery years, your child will be discovering how different words are formed and how they will benefit from their use. Nurseries will provide a range of learning materials, and following the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, to work on their literacy, numeracy and speech, among other skills.


From there, parents can jump in to provide their children with actionable ways to manage their vocabulary skills. Here are some top tips to try out at home with your child.

Find synonyms of words they already know

Having different words in your child’s back pocket will help them with the variation of words they’ll use on a regular basis. First off, keep practicing the words your child already knows. Then you can begin to switch this up with new words and repeat those continuously. Repetition is your best friend and works with your child, who will always be looking to you for guidance.

Sing songs

Songs are a classic way to get children to practice different words and how they’re pronounced. They will give your child the chance to remember how these words sound and where they can be used in different contexts. Many songs can be used at school, but you can also find videos online of popular sing-along songs, as well as the many songs sung in your child’s favourite TV shows and films.

Try out creative writing activities

When your child has the chance to write about different things then you should invite them to write creatively. To motivate them you can get your child to write about their favourite things to do, their favourite foods and ask them to describe themselves or friends or family. Use these as good prompts for your child to write freely about whatever comes to mind and see what vocabulary they pick up.


***Image from pexels.com

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