
Care entails practical knowledge and empathy, whether youre looking after an individual with disabilities, medical issues, or age-related handicaps. To go above and beyond, providing the best care possible, youll need to balance your responsibilities alongside your relationship with the person youre caring for, ensuring that youre listening as much as youre providing. Below are listed four factors that contribute to the best kind of care, under whatever circumstances. If youre getting all four right, youll be safe in the knowledge that you couldnt be doing more to help the person under your care.


Even after years of gender equality, surveys show that women are still doing the majority of the household chores, even when both partners work full time. In most cases, it seems to be a pattern that couples fall into rather than a deliberate attempt by men to leave all the work to their wives. If you find you are shouldering the burden of domestic chores, then you should feel able to talk to your partner about the imbalance. However, if you have a family, don’t forget that your children should be making a contribution as well.


Every month women struggle with the same unavoidable problem of menstrual cramps. Though there are some women who have less painful experiences, most of us tend to hurt a lot. Besides googling “how to make your period come fast” and “why is my period late”, next in line is the search for finding menstrual cramp relief. Here are the top 5 ways that work for most women, some of which you probably haven’t tried yet.