
Building a better home is an endless challenge, and your list of potential projects is probably as long as your arm. Therefore, choosing the right one for your next upgrade is arguably the toughest challenge of all.   
Thankfully, using the five simple questions below for guidance should give you the very best chance of making the right decision. What are you waiting for? Let’s get to work.

hand wood construction paint paint brush material painting product home improvement art renovation man made object
Photo by Russ Hendricks

The Chief Executive of Sightsavers, Caroline Harper, visited Vancouver to discuss in her TED talk, an affliction called trachoma, which is considered one of the leading causes of blindness around the world. She wore symbolic tweezers to represent how African girls who have suffered from the disease for many years, have to spend their entire lives pulling their eyelashes from under their eyelids because of lack of treatment from the disease to avoid scratching their corneas which leads to blindness.

Harper’s article on Sightsavers goes on to give a long history of the disease which has its earliest recorded medical record in ancient Egypt when an ancient mural was found showing eyes and tweezers. Today, people in the lowest economic rungs of society are the most susceptible to the disease with nearly 185 million people susceptible to trachoma. The most unfortunate part is that it is actually preventable.

Throughout your lifetime, you spend a long time in your bedroom, therefore all your décor should be carefully picked out, from your bed sheets to your plants. Data by NASA and the American College has found which houseplants are best sui­ted to join you in your room of rest.

Why should you enhance your bedroom with houseplants?

It’s important to understand the ways in which you can improve your bespoke bedroom’s feng shui — and indeed the rest of your home — with some simple houseplants.

When speaking to The Telegraph, interior landscaper and gold-medal winner at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show, Ian Drummond, stated that the average houseplant can be very practical. He explains: “Many people now live in cities with no outside space. We all have this longing to have some green around us, and houseplants are the perfect solution.”

Houseplants can also work as a cheap air freshener for your home thanks to their pleasant aromas. Studies have shown that houseplants have been found to help with concentration, promote better sleep and reduce anxiety among people who live around them on a day-to-day basis too. The Plantsman, when reporting on a 2016 piece which was published in the RHS’s journal, underlined: “As placing indoor plants in rooms is one of the simplest changes that can be made to enhance the environment, it stands out as a practical and affordable support for health.”