It’s never easy coping with change. But the changes that completely change your life are the ones that are the hardest to come to terms with. Accidents and ill health can be devastating physically and emotionally. How you manage your life after these changes could make a significant difference to how well you cope.
Living with a disability, even a temporary one, can take a lot of adjustment. You will probably need a lot of support and help at first. After years of independence, this might be the one change that knocks you the most. Some of us struggle to ask for help. Don’t let your pride get in the way. Loved ones and friends will be desperate to do something to make life easier for you. It will be beneficial to all of you to accept.
There may be a lot of physical discomfort and pain to deal with. There are many ways to help you cope with pain. You can borrow or buy a TENS machine, visit a special therapist, or take medication. Many people that live with chronic pain tend to need a few different approaches in combination to make it tolerable. The choices you make may have other repercussions, so it’s worth researching your options.
While your body may have gone through some tough changes, don’t neglect your mental or emotional health. You’re allowed to feel angry and sad about such enormous changes in life. You may feel like you need to do something about it to help you get to grips with what has occurred. This is natural. Sometimes it’s worth speaking to a disability attorney who can help you with your next course of action.