
What Does My Child Learn in PSHCE Lessons at School?


PSHCE - personal, social, health, citizen and economic education - teach your child about being prepared for life. It’s something that many school kids will get to learn about when they’re in school to guide them along their way beyond the subjects they learn and the exams they’ll take.


PSHCE lessons are a big part of many school curriculums, which helps each student learn about what happens beyond school life - a very important next step.


Here we explore what a child will be learning in PSHCE lessons in school.

Health and wellbeing

Children will eventually have to learn to look after themselves. In doing so they don’t need to rely on others for help and support. These lessons will show your child how they can learn to look after themselves, be responsible for their own wellbeing, and what they may need to do if they’re feeling overwhelmed.


Being able to build a relationship and make it last would be the next step in a child’s life beyond the classroom. When they are of age they will have to pursue these issues and overcome many life lessons either alone or with their partner. This is where these lessons come in handy, as your child is learning how they can approach these relationships when they happen to them in real life.

Economic support and being a model citizen

There is also the aspect of a salary, taxes, and being a human being that contributes to society. Children will of course naturally learn how to do this through following your own actions at home and you showing them casually how to get into the flow.


It helps your child come to terms with these more difficult tasks if they’re shown how to do them from an early age. It also involves how to protect the environment, how to handle money, setting up bank accounts and other key roles.


**Image source: pexels.com

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