

A lot of people struggle to get up early in the morning; this can especially be the case if you’re a mom, thanks to the exhaustive days and late nights. That being said, there is no getting around the fact that early mornings are part of the package when it comes to being a mom. One of the best ways that you can start your day right is by having a solid morning routine.

Let’s be real; moms everywhere know how it feels to be woken from a night of deep sleep to see your child at the side of your bed. Such a rough awakening means you’re already starting your day off on the back foot, so having a routine you can jump straight into, allows you to get your day back on track.

So, what should your routine involve? Of course, it will vary depending on whose routine it is; however, this list will talk about some of the best things you should include.



We all want our children to be able to tackle challenges head-on and bounce back from setbacks, but resilience is something that has to be learned rather than something we’re born with. Your child will inevitably face many obstacles to reaching their goals or getting things they want, and as parents it’s our responsibility to teach our children how to respond in the face of adversity. Read on for some tips from an independent school in Edgbaston on how you can work to raise a resilient child. 


Aside from keeping children physically healthy, taking part in sports has many other benefits. Participating in sports from a young age can help children develop a number of important skills while enabling them to explore their capabilities and interests. It’s important for children to participate in activities they enjoy to get the most out of them. Here a prep school in the West Midlands explores some of the important benefits children get from getting involved in sports at school.