

Life mid-COVID-19 has changed the way people do their routines, especially in skincare. These days, most people are washing their hands or using hand sanitizer more frequently. They are also wearing face masks constantly - whether they're out for work, doing necessary grocery runs, or seeing friends for a socially distanced lunch.

These new measures are meant to reduce the spread of COVID-19, but they can take a toll on your skin. So apart from prioritizing skin care routines like skin tightening, more people are adding to their routines to counteract the effects of masks, alcohol, and hand sanitizers.

Apart from learning new hobbies during COVID-19, developing a new (if not better) skincare routine is essential. Here are some routines to keep in mind during the pandemic.



You don’t need to be a professional roofer to understand the reason the roofs on most houses slant the way they do. It’s to allow rain and snow to roll off of the roof, preventing it from getting into the home, right? Well, yes, that’s certainly part of it. But as you’ll learn from reading this article, there’s actually a good deal more behind what’s known as roof pitch.


We already know quite a few perks of using shapewear, however, there is one more that always seems to be missing from every article. Wearing one of the best shapewear for women can improve your body posture. How? Many factors contribute to our bad body posture. Sometimes shy, introverted people tend to lower their shoulders in discomfort, others dragged it with them since their childhood. There are of course many more reasons that negatively impact our stance like a series of wrong workout routines, having a big bust, and chronic pain to name a few. Overall having the wrong body posture can not only impact the way you look but also your overall muscle health.