Women nowadays are competitive as men. They can do almost anything a man can do. Women take part not only at home but also around the community. Given the fact that women's lifestyle changes, it is very important to maintain a healthy and balanced life. Overall health is one thing that must be given importance.
As we age, our body changes. And when we reach the age of 25, the collagen in our body decreases. Collagen is a type of protein produces by our body to keep the skin smooth and supple. It's a natural protein found in our bones, skin, muscles, and tendons which composed of different elements like proline, glycerin, arginine, and hydroxyproline. The production of collagen will be less and less every age added until we're at the age of 50 wherein the body might not be producing collagen at all. Aside from aging, another factor that may affect cause the decrease of collagen produced in our body is an unhealthy lifestyle. These include high sugar consumption, constant exposure to harmful rays of the sun, smoking, drinking, and drugs. To replenish the protein’s supply in the body and prevent the wrinkles and sagging skin, women choose to take collagen pills to supplement the loss of collagen.