
We know that there are sometimes that you absolutely need money but all the doors are closed off to you. You can’t work another job. You can’t extend your already-stretched credit. It feels like the bills are coming in faster and the walls are closing in. However, you are rarely truly out of options. Even the worst options can have a silver lining. Here’s what to consider.


The two most common illnesses that kids suffer from are the common cold and stomach bugs. These both can spread like wildfire and will soon see their siblings, and you and your other half is suffering from the disease too. It’s hard to prevent your little one from picking up the illnesses at school and when you are all out and about. But there are some things you can be doing to try and prevent your child from getting ill this year. Here are some surprising tips for moms to ensure their kids avoid illness.

child, mother, nature


You don’t want your living room to look good for a couple of months or a year. You want it to look great for a long time to come. None of us has the time, money or energy to be redecorating the home with regularity. It’s something that’s simply not very realistic. So, here are some design tips that will help you to achieve that perfect timeless quality in your living room’s design.

Combine Simple Modern Items with Older Pieces
There is nothing wrong with added modern items to your living room. It’s all about making those modern items and touches blend in with the older pieces that you also have. For example, a modern sofa and some contemporary chairs can look magnificent when put in a living room with floorboards. The stripped floorboards give the room a classic and timeless feeling, while the sofa and chairs help to bring something fresh and new. It’s a big balancing act, but when you get it right it tends to create a very impressive effect, so give it a try. And if you want to strip the floorboards, go to www.littlehouseonthecorner.com.


Teaching your kids to be good digital citizens is one fundamental aspect of contemporary parenting. There are many ways to achieve that and mobile phone monitoring is one of them.

Internet is an amazing place for learning, but like the real world we live in, it too can pose dangers and risks, if left to its own without precautions and safety measures. Providing free access to internet to kids can put their personal data and privacy at risk.

So before you opt for mobile monitoring apps, there are a few resources you should look at to achieve better results.